Marc Bernheim

Dr. iur. Attorney-at-Law, LL.M. | Partner | +41 (0)58 387 80 00 |

Marc Bernheim is a proven expert in restructuring, insolvency and debt enforcement law. He heads the restructuring / insolvency department at STAIGER together with his partner Daniel Hunkeler. Marc Bernheim has many years of experience as an administrator in judicial debt restructuring proceedings, as a liquidator/extraordinary official bankruptcy liquidator and as a debtor or creditor representative in bankruptcy and debt restructuring proceedings.

Having more than twenty years of practice in the field of energy law, he is a leading advisor and representative in this area of law.

Marc Bernheim’s area of practicealso includes commercial litigation and arbitration, in particular in the areas of banking and real estate law.

In addition, Marc Bernheim is active as executor of estates and as trustee of charitable foundations.

“Marc Bernheim never loses sight of the essential points, even with complex mandates. He is a persistent and successful negotiator.”   

“Marc Bernheim is very approachable, responsive and practical.”                        

“Marc Bernheim is a reliable professional.”                        

Chambers Europe 2023 Marc Bernheim emea-recommended-lawyer-2023-legal 500 WWL Thought Leader MB

Practice Areas

Restructuring / Insolvency 
Energy Law  
Financial Markets Law-Enforcement


German, English, Italian, French

1995Partner at STAIGER Attorneys at Law Ltd
1993Doctor of Law, University of Zurich
1992 – 1993Master of European Community Law, LL.M. College of Europe, Bruges
1989 – 1994Associate at Gayler, Hegetschweiler & Partner, Zurich
1989Admission to the Bar, Canton of Zurich
1987 – 1988Legal clerk, District Court, Horgen
1986Licentiatus iuris, University of Zurich
1981 – 1986Law School, University of Zurich 
  • Zurich Bar Association
  • IBA, International Bar Association
  • Swiss Bar Association
  • Swiss Arbitration Association
  • Swiss Association for Debt Collection and Bankruptcy Law
  • International Association of Jewish Attorneys and Lawyers
  • Swiss-Israel Chamber of Commerce
  • Insol Europe
  • AEEC, Associated Euopean Energy Consultants

Basler Kommentar zum Bundesgesetz über Schuldbetreibung und Konkurs, Staehelin/Bauer/Lorandi [Hrsg.], Kommentierung der Art. 151 – 158 SchKG    
November 2021, 3. Auflage

Der Sachwalter im Nachlassverfahren    
Oktober 2021 - ZZZ/PCEF 2021 Heft 55, 663-669

Das Stillhalteabkommen - insolvenzrechtliche Aspekte    
Juni 2021, Die aktienrechtliche Sanierung, hrsg. von Thomas Sprecher, Europa Institut, Zürich 2021, 93-120

Der Sanierungsbeitrag    
Juni 2019 - Jusletter 24. Juni 2019

Kurzkommentar zum Schuldbetreibungs- und Konkursgesetz 
2014 - 2. Auflage

Paulianische Anfechtung - Auswirkungen der Beweislastverteilung aus beratender und forensischer Sicht 
Dezember 2014 - Sanierung und Insolvenz von Unternehmen VI, hrsg. von Thomas Sprecher, Europa Institut, Zürich 2014, 7-35

Rechtshängigkeit und im Zusammenhang stehende Verfahren nach dem Lugano-Übereinkommen 
1994 - Schweizerische Juristenzeitung

Finanzierung von Grundstückkäufen durch Personen im Ausland 
1993 - Schweizer Schriften zum Bankenrecht (Dissertation)