Gaudenz Geiger

Lic. iur. Attorney-at-Law, LL.M. | Partner | +41 (0)58 387 80 00 |

Gaudenz Geiger has been practicing in the areas of restructuring, insolvency and enforcement law for fifteen years. He has in-depth knowledge in all areas of insolvency law and related areas including to act as administrator in debt restructuring proceedings and as a liquidator.

In addition, Gaudenz Geiger has been dealing with energy law matters for many years - since 2008 as part of the team at STAIGER. He advises and represents company clients in both general and regulatory matters in the energy sector.

Gaudenz Geiger regularly publishes in his practice areas. He is a co-author of the commentary on Swiss energy law and the Basler Kommentar on debt enforcement and insolvency.

“Gaudenz Geiger stands out for his client service, efficiency, ability to think-out-of-the-box, competence, thoroughness, and precision.”

“In addition to its legal expertise, the energy law team has outstanding knowledge of the energy market in Switzerland. This makes it possible to deal with any concerns very quickly and in a goal-oriented and efficient manner. Gaudenz Geiger has an excellent network of energy law specialists throughout Europe with whom he is in close contact. In many cases, cross-border questions can be answered very quickly and cost-effectively.”

“Mr. Gaudenz Geiger has a “hands on” approach and is down to the earth. He keeps things simple and does not “make an elephant out of a mosquito” just to generate additional – and from a business view unnecessary – work and fees.”

“Gaudenz Geiger is extremely responsive and quick, thorough, always well prepared and organised, a good project manager, well connected in the insolvency and restructuring field, down-to-earth, efficient, reliable, nice to work with. The client gets great value for money.” 

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Practice Areas

Restructuring / Insolvency  
Energy Law  
Financial Markets Law-Enforcement


German, English

2018Partner at STAIGER Attorneys at Law Ltd
2011Master’s Degree (LL.M.) in Competition Law, King’s College London
2008Associate at STAIGER Attorneys at Law Ltd
2008Admission to the Bar, Canton of Zurich
2006 – 2007Trainee at STAIGER Attorneys at Law Ltd
2005 – 2006Law Clerk at the District Court, Zurich, Switzerland
2004Licentiatus iuris, University of Zurich
1999 – 2005Junior Consultant in a consulting firm with focus on the Energy Market
1999 – 2004Law School, University of Zurich 
  • Zurich Bar Association
  • Swiss Bar Association
  • AEEC – Associated European Energy Consultants
  • Association for dept collection and bankruptcy law 

Basler Kommentar zum Bundesgesetz über Schuldbetreibung und Konkurs, Staehelin/Bauer/Lorandi [Hrsg.], Kommentierung der Art. 151 – 158 SchKG    
November 2021, 3. Auflage

Der Sachwalter im Nachlassverfahren    
Oktober 2021 - ZZZ/PCEF 2021 Heft 55, 663-669

Das Stillhalteabkommen - insolvenzrechtliche Aspekte    
Juni 2021, Die aktienrechtliche Sanierung, hrsg. von Thomas Sprecher, Europa Institut, Zürich 2021, 93-120

Vernehmlassung zum Gasversorgungsgesetz    
Oktober 2019

Der Sanierungsbeitrag    
Juni 2019 - Jusletter 24. Juni 2019

Gesetzliche Neuregelungen für das Jahr 2018    
Februar 2018 - Paragraph aktuell

Gesetzliche Neuregelungen für das Jahr 2017    
Februar 2017 - Paragraph aktuell

Bundesgesetz über die Reduktion der CO2-Emissionen, Kommentar zu Art. 9 und 15 – 21 CO2-Gesetz    
August 2016 - Co-Autor; in: Kratz Brigitta / Merker Michael / Tami Renato / Rechsteiner Stefan / Föhse Kathrin (Hrsg.), Kommentar zum Energierecht, Bern 2016

Stromversorgungsgesetz, Kommentar zu Art. 4 Abs. 1 lit. d und 13 StromVG    
August 2016 - in: Kratz Brigitta / Merker Michael / Tami Renato / Rechsteiner Stefan / Föhse Kathrin (Hrsg.), Kommentar zum Energierecht, Bern 2016

Netzzugang im Schweizer Gasmarkt    
November 2015 - Jusletter 30. November 2015

Asset Protection: Schutz des Privatvermögens / Die Umwandlung einer Einzelfirma in eine juristische Person / Anfechtung von vor der Insolvenz getätigten Vermögensverschiebungen    
Oktober 2015 - Paragraph thema

Electricity Regulation 2016    
Oktober 2015 - Getting the Deal Through - Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through: Electricity Regulation 2016, (published in October 2015; contributing editor: Daniel Hagan, White & Case LLP) For further information please visit

Paulianische Anfechtung – Auswirkungen der Beweislastverteilung aus beratender und forensischer Sicht    
Dezember 2014 - Sanierung und Insolvenz von Unternehmen VI, hrsg. von Thomas Sprecher, Europa Institut, Zürich 2014, 7-35

Neuerungen und laufende Entwicklungen im Jahr 2015    
Dezember 2014 - Paragraph aktuell

Compliancepflichten im Energiemarkt    
Oktober 2014 - Jusletter 27. Oktober 2014

Electricity Regulation 2015    
Oktober 2014 - Getting the Deal Through - Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through: Electricity Regulation 2015, (published in October 2014; contributing editors: Earle H O’Donnell and Daniel Hagan, White & Case LLP). For further information please visit

Facilitation of Rehabilitation    
Januar 2014 - Paragraph news

Fristen im Sanierungsrecht - ausgewählte Aspekte    
Januar 2014 - Sanierung und Insolvenz von Unternehmen IV, hrsg. von Thomas Sprecher, Europa Institut, Zürich 2014, 113-143

Electricity Regulation 2014    
Oktober 2013 - Getting the Deal Through

Electricity Regulation 2013    
Oktober 2012 - Getting the Deal Through

Electricity Regulation 2012    
November 2011 - Getting the Deal Through

Entwicklungen im schweizerischen Energiewirtschaftsrecht    
Juni 2009 - EEEC Newsletter, N° 7, Juni 2009