Jonas Stüssi

Lic. iur. Attorney-at-Law | Managing Partner | +41 (0)58 387 80 00 |

Jonas Stüssi heads the litigation department at STAIGER and is an expert in the field of litigation and arbitration. He advises and represents clients from various industries, including insurance companies, banks and industrial companies.

In addition to his position as a Managing Partner of STAIGER, he is a member of the Zurich Bar Association, the Swiss Bar Association and the International Bar Association. Furthermore, he is a board member of IAG Global, a worldwide association of independent law firms.

The Legal 500 lists Jonas Stüssi as a top expert in the field of litigation. Who's Who Legal listed him as a Global Leader in Professional Negligence 2021 - 2022.

“Jonas Stüssi is a fantastic litigator who is very good at tactics and finds solutions even for the most complicated problems. He does not crack under pressure and is very assertive.”            

“Jonas Stüssi  is very smart and effective, and a reliable, responsive and good negotiator. He’s pleasant to work with if on the same side, a tough opponent if on the other side.”     

“I would like to praise Jonas Stüssi, a partner of STAIGER. Jonas is a very reliable lawyer. You can safely trust him with the most complex and sensitive projects. Jonas has excellent understanding of underlying legal issues and the ability to work in critical situations.’”     

“Jonas Stüssi is an excellent litigator. He is very persuasive and strong in court. He is creative, assertive and also good at tactics.”     

“Jonas Stüssi: highly sophisticated lawyer, very fast and with an incredible knowledge, in particular regarding procedural law.”     

“Jonas Stüssi is smart, assertive and good at tactics. He is pragmatic and pushes for efficient solutions”     

“I work primarily with Philipp Känzig and Jonas Stüssi. Philipp is very knowledgeable and experienced. Jonas is responsive and up to date on client matters. He also has lots of helpful connections.”     

“We would like to praise Jonas Stüssi, the firm’s partner, for top-class service, clear understanding of the needs and challenges, and ability to manage them.”         

“Jonas Stüssi is a fantastic litigator who looks at cases with an open mind and finds a solution for every problem. One of his key strengths is thinking outside the box. He is highly assertive and very convincing.”          

“Jonas Stüssi is extraordinarily fast and very engaged. He can handle very complex cases involving tons of documents, almost like no other.’”         

“Jonas Stüssi as a Global Leader“ and he is a highly respected name among peers who describe him as an „excellent litigator, experienced with D&O liability proceedings”    
WWL 2022

emea-recommended-lawyer-2023-legal 500 LawReviews 2022 Jonas Stussi WWL Professional Negligence 2021 Jonas Stuessi

Practice Areas

Restructuring / Insolvency
Corporate Law 
Private Insurance Law


German, English, French, Swedish

2021Managing Partner at STAIGER Attorneys at Law Ltd
2018Partner at STAIGER Attorneys at Law Ltd
2014Associate at STAIGER Attorneys at Law Ltd
2012 – 2014Associate at a corporate law firm, Zurich
2012Admission to the Bar, Canton of Zurich
2011Secondment at Goldbach Group AG, Küsnacht (ZH)
2010 – 2012Junior Associate at a corporate law firm, Zurich
2009Licentiatus iuris, University of Zurich
2008/2009Employee Lehman Brothers
2006 – 2007Law studies abroad, University of Paris Nanterre
2003 – 2010Employee GMO UK Limited
2003 – 2009Faculty of Law, University of Zurich
  • Zurich Bar Association
  • Swiss Bar Association
  • International Bar Association

The Professional Negligence Law Review      
5th Edition, The Law Reviews, 2022 

Revision der Schweizerischen Zivilprozessordnung - Die geplanten Änderungen der ZPO im Überblick    
April 2020

Director‘s Liability and Indemnification, a Global Guide, 2019     
2019 - Globe Business Publishing Ltd., Kapitel Schweiz, London

“Attention! Vienna Sales Convention” / “Thinkabouts” in connection with the enforcement by legal proceedings of claims under the Vienna Sales Convention from the perspective of the buyer     
Juli 2017 - Paragraph Thema

Director‘s Liability and Indemnification, a Global Guide, 2016     
Juli 2016 - Globe Business Publishing Ltd., Kapitel Schweiz, London  

«Thinkabouts» in the use of general terms and conditions, particularly with a view to a judicial dispute / Article 8 of the Unfair Competition Act     
Juni 2015 - Paragraph thema