Georgia Fotiou

Dr. iur. Attorney-at-Law  | Trust and Estate Practitioner TEP | Partner | +41 (0)58 387 80 00 |

Georgia Fotiou advises private clients in the planning, establishment, management, restructuring and liquidation of both international and domestic wealth management structures. She has significant experience in domestic and international tax law as well as in the structuring of assets in various jurisdictions. Furthermore, she is an expert in trust and foundation structures.

Georgia Fotiou also provides advice on issues related to the automated exchange of information and its impact on wealth management structures. She is the ideal contact for inheritance law, contract law and international civil law, for the resettlement of private individuals in Switzerland and family office services.

Besides her work as a lawyer, Georgia Fotiou is a member of the board of directors of various companies and a member of the board of trustees of charitable institutions.

In recognition for her achievements, Georgia Fotiou was awarded a silver medal in the Woman of the Year - Future Leaders - Partner category at the renowned Citywealth Powerwomen Awards 2021.

Georgia Fotiou also shares her knowledge in seminars and at conferences.

“Georgia Fotiou is a top specialist in her field and an outstanding attorney.”        

“Georgia Fotiou has an excellent track record in advising HNWIs on an international level. She is highly committed, persistent, seeks long-term solutions and has a very special flair to deal with clients.”        

“Georgia Fotiou sees the big picture, is very experienced, especially in cross-border matters, and is great to work with. She is well organized. Her dual background as a Greek and a Swiss lawyer is quite unique.”        

“Georgia Fotiou is a well-respected and serious professional with whom I have cooperated on several occasions. She has good work ethics, a strong academic background and working experience, a direct approach to the client and at the same time strong skills and exceptional knowledge in her field, which makes her the ideal business partner for private clients.”        

emea-recommended-lawyer-2023-legal 500 Powerwomen Awards Georgia Fotiou

Practice Areas

Private Clients
Inheritance Law / Family Law
Tax Law


German, English, Greek, French

 2018Partner at STAIGER Attorneys at Law Ltd
 2015 - 2018Director at the law department of big four audit and advisory firm, Zurich/Zug 
 2006 - 2014Attorney-at-Law at a big four audit and advisory firm, Zurich/Zug
 2005Certificate "Principles of business management", University of Zurich
 2002 - 2006Manager/CEO Office at a big four audit and advisory firm, Zurich/Lucerne 
 2000 - 2003Doctor of Law, University of Zurich
 2001Bar Exam, Bar Association Thessaloniki, Greece
 1995 - 1999Law degree, Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Zurich Bar Association
  • Swiss Bar Association
  • Bar Association Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners
  • The International Academy of Estate and Trust Law
  • International Fiscal Association (IFA)

Offshore trusts and European families
29-30 November 2023, STEP Bermuda Conference 2023

The extended reach of the CRS

The use of trusts for asset protection   
Webinar “Asset Protection: How to use trusts and life insurance contracts to protect your clients”, 27 May 2021

Der Automatische Informationsaustausch in der Praxis    
STEP Workshop, 22. Februar 2018 in Zürich

Handelszeitung, 14.02.2017   
Februar 2017

How Special is the SVDP?   
Beitrag im Tax Talk (South Africa), Ausgabe 62 Jan/Feb 2017

Panelist der Podiumsdiskussion über Selbstanzeigen.   
2016 Tax Indaba, 5-9 September 2016, Johannesburg   

Die Europäische Erbrechtsverordnung aus Sicht der Schweiz; Auswirkungen auf grenzüberschreitende Erbfälle   
Der Schweizer Treuhänder 2015/5.   

Stand und aktuelle Entwicklungen bei der Regularisierung begangener Steuerdelikte in Griechenland im Wege der Selbstanzeige   
Referat beim Steuerforum Liechtenstein 2015, 1. Oktober 2015

"Informationsprobleme bei öffentlichen Übernahmeangeboten. Ein Vergleich zwischen schweizerischen und europäischen Rechtsvorschriften"   
Dissertation Zürich 2004