Daniel Hunkeler / Georg Wohl03.12.2024

STAIGER appointed as provisional administrator in multiple debt-restructuring moratoriums

STAIGER is pleased to announce that the law firm, with partners Dr. Daniel Hunkeler and Georg J. Wohl, has been appointed by the courts as provisional administrators in several (initially provisional) debt-restructuring moratoriums: 

- AGP Worldwide Operations GmbH, Bahnhofstrasse 10, 6300 Zug – Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce SOGC 

- Espisa AG, c/o: Office Services GmbH, Zugerstrasse 76B, 6340 Baar – Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce SOGC 

- Tupperware Products AG, Platz 1a, 6039 Root D4 – Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce SOGC 

- Silverbogen AG, Nüschelerstrasse 35, 8001 Zürich – Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce SOGC