Piera Cerny / Sascha Drobnjak / Gaudenz Geiger / Philipp Haymann / Philipp Känzig / Severine Vogel / Désirée Wiesendanger02.08.2019


Brexit will have numerous effects on the relations between the United Kingdom and Switzerland. In principle, this is independent of whether the Brexit is regulated by a treaty between the European Union and the United Kingdom or whether a No-Deal Brexit takes place.

Staiger informs in the following about some of the areas affected by Brexit:

Should you seek advice with regard to your specific circumstances, please contact your STAIGER liaison or any of the following persons:

Piera Cerny piera.cerny@staiger.law 
Gaudenz Geiger gaudenz.geiger@staiger.law 
Philipp Haymann philipp.haymann@staiger.law 
Philipp Känzig philipp.kaenzig@staiger.law 
Severine Vogel severine.vogel@staiger.law 
Désirée Wiesendanger desiree.wiesendanger@staiger.law